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Weather Forecast

The weather forecast widget in retrieving the weather forecast from a defined weather provider and displays it on the right side of the screen, the left side is used for for three images, presented one after each other, when the screen changes to display the next language. The languages (two) can be provided in the data field TEXT1 of the article data. TEXT2 should contain the location for the weather forecast in the format expected by the weather webservice.

The slider images should be named in the PRESTIGEenterprise fields IMAGE1, IMAGE2 and IMAGE3.

Different versions

As there are a number of different services ( country based ) for the weather forecast, the widget exists in different versions, depending on the weather service prodivder selected.
Please note, that some weather ofrecast provider require a contract in order to display their data on-screen.

Customer individual customization

The widget is delivered in HTML5 source code and can be customized by the customer or our design department.

Required / Dependend Modules

  • PRESTIGEenterprise DisplayEngine W5 or H5